Well, here we are. Hey! You're a user. My name is Wray. The W is silent. I am a musician, digital artist, interactive designer, and web developer of the past 24.649 years. This is a basic landing page that links to other places where I've better established myself.
Interactive Design & UX Essays
- Card Sorting The Richland Library Information Architecture
- Collecting graphy data with 3-Way Range Sliders
SwampFlux Eurorack Synthesizer Modules
- Wrave on Bandcamp â Electronica Albums & Singles.
- Spotify Playlists featuring the "Wray's Plays" series.
- RGBK.org Digital works by me and friends, active since 2004. ð§ Down For Maintenance. Archive.org link provided. ð§
hic et nuncðŠĶ2020â2021
Web Development & Open Source
I'm an advocate for open source methods, even in closed sourced settings.
- I use BitBucket.com/rgbk mainly for private repositories built between 2010-2013
- Richland Library Events Calendar Prototype built with MeteorJS using and a rapid prototyping method.
- GitHub.com/wraybowling is where most of my repositories live now. Some highlights below:
- Richland Library Wayfinding Prototype is meant to run on touchscreen kiosks, directing customers to events. Implemented as a rapid prototype in Vue.js and ArcGIS to provide 3D models inside Google Maps.
- MIDImp is a headless script to send MIDI over OSC to the PlayStation 4/5.
- Shaper-taper is an interactive webapp for printing fudicial markers compatible with Shaper Origin.
- Blender-Shaper is a Blender add-on that converts Blender curves to real world sized SVGs.
- Geiger.js clicks when your web app's animation drops a frame. Uses Web Audio API synthesis.
- You can additionally find many of my front-end sketches on Codepen. Since much of my work has been closed source or protected under NDA, these quick sketches demonstrate how I approached problem solving over the years.
- Synced Oscilloscope combines the Web Audio API with SVG rendering, written in vanilla JS.
- Spritz Clone + mimics the behavior of the Spritz speedreading product with more features than the original
- Tweet Summary Visualization is a rich text editor bespoke to writing content for two different limited text formats simultaneously. It also visualizes incomplete sentences.
- Instant Feedback for Active Links prototypes an animated "barber pole" underline that can be applied to plain text links that instantiate asynchronous calls with potentially long wait times.
- Jaro Winkler Search demos an implementation of the JWS on a set of FAQs from buildingyourlibrary.com
- Draft Content Overlay proposes a way of overlaying the word "draft" for unfinished sections of content without affecting screenshots.
- VariousSpinners made with SVG+CSS
- Accessible & Performant Sideways Scrolling Buttons
- Blurry Image As Background is a proof of concept for re-using a source image to color the region behind it.
- Text Editor with SMOG runs a realtime evaluation of the text entered against the Simple Measure of Gobbledygook (SMOG) algorithm, to determine the required reading level.
- Text Editor with ARI similarly runs a reading level evalutation of the text entered in realtime, but using the Automated Readability Index.
- Sassless Flex Columns is a demo of my CSS boilerplate Sassless, showing how to create a fully responsive layout that was compatible with IE.
- SVG Arc Modes explains the different modes with animation
- Printable Calendar makes use of CSS media query and overflow rules to perfectly render events across multiple pages. Techniques used here were later brought to Shaper-Taper
- VariousDate-RangePickers throughout time.
- Proximity Indicator written in vanilla JS + SVG, designed for GPS applications
- CSS for rendering pixel art without blurring
- Newspaper Justification Demo
- RGBk Quarterly old interactive design tumblr
- Clean Plate Club After-dinner food photos with tongue-in-cheek commentary
- @wraybowling twitter
This Website
Writing and development is done in the open using Github, Netlify, Vuepress, & Markdown. You can contribute by proof-reading future content.
Contact Me
I am, as of October 2023, open to opportunities that are the right fit. My LinkedIn is more up to date and thorough than any resume I've ever maintained manually, but here's an HTML page of my CV anyway.